In every era of human life, certain disasters have been encountered, and attempts have been made to link these disasters to a cause. Even though science can provide quite logical explanations on this subject, many people have continued to ignore these explanations and put forward various conspiracy theories. In this content, we will discuss the “Chemtrails” theory, one of these conspiracy theories.
What are Chemtrails?
Chemtrails, which translates into Turkish as “chemical trace”, is the name of a conspiracy theory related to planes commissioned by secret powers leaving chemical residues during flight. First raised in America, the chemtrails theory frequently comes up after disasters. Although this conspiracy theory has been shown by the scientific community to not reflect the truth, it has many supporters in our country and around the world.

Conspiracy Theories
Supporters of the chemtrails theory claim that chemical spraying through planes causes a significant increase in heavy metal levels in their bodies, and even sometimes viruses and bacteria are spread to the earth. Some even believe that the Covid-19 virus, which has affected millions of people, is a chemtrail. Despite explaining all these claims without basing them on scientific evidence, supporters can easily reach new people without having any tangible data.
So, what is the trail behind planes?

As you gaze into the sky, the air temperature decreases significantly as you get further from the ground. Passenger planes moving about 10,000 meters (approximately 33,000 feet) above the earth are operating in a very cold environment. For example, the external temperature of a plane flying at an average altitude is approximately -50°C.
Another important point about planes is that, due to the natural structure of the fuels they use, water vapor emission is observed. When the 6000 feet limit is exceeded, the water vapor coming from the engine quickly condenses and forms a crystalline structure similar to a cloud, called a Contrail. This structure disappears after a short time depending on the humidity of the air.
Although the chemtrails theory lacks solid evidence, it has been refuted by many scientific explanations. It appears that the trails left behind by planes are harmless to you. What do you think about this subject? Do you think the chemtrails theory is just nonsense or does it shed light on the workings of secret powers? You can share your views with us in the comments section.