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Countries with the most expensive internet (2023)

Ana sayfa / Internet

In recent years, due to rising inflation in Turkey and the increasing exchange rate, many internet providers have raised the prices of their services. In the current year, there is almost no provider that has not raised its prices. So which countries have the most expensive internet according to the monthly fee in the world? How Turkey ranks? Here is the ranking…

The list shared by Picodi Turkey is based on the subscription fee that providers charge for 100 Mbps speed. However, the comparison is based on the average of the prices on the providers’ official websites. So let’s move on to the countries with the most expensive internet in the world.

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Norway comes first in the ranking. Providers operating in the country offer services for an average of 75.1 Euros per month for a speed of 100 Mbps. In second place is Iceland with 58.8 Euros, followed by Australia with 53.8 Euros.

RankCountryMonthly Subscription Price (100 Mbps)
1Norway75.1 Euro
2Iceland58.8 Euro
3Australia58.4 Euro
4Switzerland53.8 Euro
5Ireland50 Euro
6USA47.3 Euro
7Puerto Rico47.3 Euro
8Denmark45.4 Euro
9Costa Rica44.6 Euro
10Nicaragua44.5 Euro

According to the data, the average monthly fee for 100 Mbps speed in Turkey is 12.7 Euros. Our country is at the bottom of the ranking and is among the countries with the cheapest internet. Of course, as you can guess, the reason for this is the Euro unit.

The countries where the internet is the most expensive in the world are listed as follows;

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