Dota 2 is a 2013 multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game by Valve and still receives updates that increase the gameplay experience. So, a new one showed up a while ago and does the same things as the previous ones. It focuses on several minor fixes, and does not expect anything significant from the latest one. Check out the Dota 2 7.35b update patch notes down below.
Dota 2 7.35b Update Patch Notes

Over the last few days we’ve also addressed several gameplay issues:
- Fixed tabbing through selections being in creation order, rather than reverse creation order
- Fixed the combat log not displaying instances of damage that occurred on the same frame from the same source to the same target
- Fixed Block of Cheese not entering cooldown when receiving damage
- Fixed Parasma going on cooldown when denying
- Fixed Granite Golem’s Granite Aura not correctly adjusting health when removed
- Fixed Batrider’s Sticky Napalm applying damage from Mage Slayer
- Fixed Centaur Warrunner keeping the Work Horse ability after selling Aghanim’s Scepter
- Fixed Centaur Warrunner’s Hitch A Ride ability being in the wrong slot if applying Aghanim’s Blessing
- Fixed Medusa having any damage shield making Dagger items unmuteable
- Fixed Meepo’s Earthbind talent not giving the intended 2.5s cooldown reduction
- Fixed Meepo levelling Divided We Stand on a clone not giving Meepo the correct stats
- Fixed Muerta’s Dead Shot interrupting some movement abilities on units that are debuff immune
- Fixed enemies being able to see Slardar’s Bash of the Deep modifier stack count changing when he’s hidden in the Fog of War
- Fixed Storm Spirit’s Attack Range when Overloaded talent not working correctly with Aghanim’s Shard
- Fixed Vengeful Spirit’s Nether Swap barrier not being refreshable
- Fixed Viper’s break particles being shown incorrectly
- Fixed Wraith King’s Skeletons following invisible units
- Fixed inconsistencies in Spell Amplification/Damage tooltips