Dota 2 is a 2013 multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game by Valve and still receives updates that increase the gameplay experience. So, a new one showed up a while ago and does the same things as the previous ones. It focuses on several minor fixes, and does not expect anything significant from the latest one. Check out the Dota 2 December 5update patch notes down below.
Dota 2 December 5 Update Patch Notes

- Fixed being unable to configure Quickcast behavior on Observer and Sentry wards in the Settings menu.
- Fixed Razor’s Voidstorm Asylum Arcana using the incorrect icon for Storm Surge.
- Fixed Shadow Fiend Presence of the Dark Lord not losing stacks correctly on death.
- Fixed lighting issue on seasonal winter terrain.
- Fixed loading spinners not spinning correctly.
- Fixed Force Staff’s tooltip description ending with 2 periods.
- Fixed sprays from events which have ended not properly rendering.
- Fixed various client and server crashes.
- Fixed Watcher colors not matching their team under some circumstances.
- Enabled Kez’s Sai abilities in Ability Draft. The draft screen will show a random combination of Kez’s Katana and Sai abilities.
- Crownfall: Heroes whose reward tokens associated with meta-progression upgrades now show up under the Crownfall Act IV filter in the Hero pick screen.
- Crownfall: Fixed Nest of Thorns Loading Screen not being visible.
- Nest of Thorns: Voiceline rewards for difficulties 3, 5, and 7 are now permanent.
- Nest of Thorns: Improved visibility of the Reaper, which spawns on difficulties 5 and above.
- Nest of Thorns: Spirits now ignore range modifiers and always spawn at a set distance away from the player.
- Nest of Thorns: Fixed score sometimes not updating properly.
- Nest of Thorns: Fixed incorrect text being displayed if launching the client with an invalid language.
- Nest of Thorns: Fixed Rot’s Scepter obscuring various visual elements in the game.
- Nest of Thorns: Fixed Echo Slash and Swashbuckle not working correctly on Linux