According to new rumours, Samsung’s new flagship Galaxy S25 series smartphones will all come equipped with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Elite processors. The series, which will consist of Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25 Ultra models, will be equipped with the new chip using Snapdragon, just like the S24 Ultra model, unlike the Galaxy S24 and S24 Plus, which use Exynos chips.
In addition, smartphones will not have versions with different processors for some markets. Because they will all receive S25 series devices equipped with Qualcomm processor. The new generation is expected to be officially announced by Samsung on 22 January.
Galaxy S25 series will say goodbye to Exynos chips
The latest information was presented in a new report from the Korean portal ETNews, which reinforces the use of new chips even for the most basic model of the S25 series devices. It was also stated that rumours that only the S25 Ultra will use Snapdragon, while the Galaxy S25 and S25 Plus will be equipped with Exynos 2500 do not reflect the truth.
However, this situation seems to have changed as the performance of Exynos 2500 chips is not good enough for the new series. Therefore, this may have forced Samsung to switch to Qualcomm chips.
The fact that all Galaxy S25 series models come with Snapdragon processors can provide many advantages for devices. First of all, Snapdragon chips have a powerful architecture that offers high performance and energy efficiency. This improves the user experience, especially in gaming, multitasking and artificial intelligence-based applications.
At the same time, the fact that the series uses a single chip platform all over the world facilitates software optimisations, enabling devices to run more stable and updates to be released faster. The superior thermal management capabilities of Snapdragon chips prevent devices from overheating during prolonged use and prevent performance degradation.
So what do you expect from the Galaxy S25 series models?