Hellish Quart is a sword-fighting video game by Polish developer Kubold. The game is a 1v1 battle of two sword-wielding players who fight until the opposing player is severely injured. The game receives updates at regular intervals, and a new one showed up a while ago. If you’re looking for patch notes for Hellish Quart, then you’re at the right place. Check out the Hellish Quart 2023.11.22.0 update patch notes below.
Hellish Quart 2023.11.22.0 Patch Notes
- Zera, Alexander: fixed sword swing sounds not playing
- Fixed regression: Long Guard is once more disabled for 0.15s after a Long Guard attack
- Jan, Barabasz: fixed occasional “noodle hands” on some LG attacks (there may be more)
- Decreased the number of physics iterations per frame for less precise, but more stable simulation, to prevent swords from locking up on collision
- Canceling on active frames when the opponent is also attacking is now optional, and on by default (you can disable it in Options)
- Jacek: distance blending on LG Step thrust attack
- Jacek: his faster attacks now deal a bit less damage
- Jacek: a bit longer recovery on base attacks
- Jacek: his (RFF) Y attack now retracts the blade a bit before the strike
- Jacek: Down, Fwd Y, Y combo has more time between attacks
- Marta: The follow-up attack after a Push causes more damage (can kill now)
- Introducing in-game currency: ducats. Ducats are earnable ONLY by playing the game. Every time you win a fight in the Arcade, Survival, or History Buff mode, you earn a randomized amount of ducats. Every time you are wounded or lose a match, you lose a percentage of your already-earned ducats. The longer you play each mode, the higher the chance of winning big amounts. Ducats are then used to unlock skins, swords, arena enhancements, new characters, etc. Historically, in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a ducat was a common name for a one Czerwony Złoty coin (eng: Red Golden). Złoty is the currency in Poland to this day.
- New Arena: Small Gym
- Arenas: Armory, Meadow, Small Gym – new unlockable content