The Marvel Cinematic Universe is preparing to deliver unprecedented surprises to fans with the Multiverse Saga. Exciting rumors about the return of legacy characters are particularly prominent… Marvel is planning to revive a long-awaited character in the new era. Who could it be? (Warning: Potential spoilers ahead for those who haven’t seen the Avengers series!)
Is Thanos Returning to the Avengers Universe?
Marvel fans have been buzzing with rumors about Thanos’s return for quite some time. As you know, while the character’s story came to a dramatic end in Avengers: Endgame, we’ve learned through Marvel’s Multiverse Saga that deaths aren’t necessarily permanent. In this context, Thanos’s return seems increasingly likely…
Thanos’s return would be significant both in terms of completing the character’s story arc and adding a new threat to the Marvel universe. Fans are warming up to the idea of Thanos returning in Secret Wars, adding a new dimension to old conflicts. Moreover, Josh Brolin, who portrays Thanos, expressed his openness to returning to the role during New York Comic Con.
Here’s what Brolin had to say:
“I’m not joking. There’s something about playing Thanos, and I feel like they’re going to bring the character back. But they have to do it right… We’re talking about Ryan Reynolds and Taylor Swift. But we should be talking about Deadpool 4. We’re going back and forth, but their thoughts need to align with mine somewhere. If we’re bringing Thanos back, we need to do it right.”
Brolin expressed enthusiasm about reprising his role as Thanos and indicated he would accept the role if it fits the story. There’s also discussion about the possibility of him returning as a different character, similar to Downey Jr., potentially as Cable in the Deadpool universe.
Marvel fans are extremely excited about the potential return of both Thanos and Cable. What do you think about this? Are you excited to see Thanos one more time? We look forward to reading your thoughts in the comments!