Microsoft has attracted a lot of attention with the Recall feature it plans to add to Windows 11. However, this innovation has also raised some privacy concerns among users. Recall is a feature that tracks users’ screenshots and various activities, and since it was first announced, some questions have been raised about its data security. For example, when security researchers revealed that the feature works on a database that has not yet been encrypted, Microsoft’s steps in this regard have been called into question. Here are the details…
Microsoft’s new Recall feature will not be the default: Users will be free to install and uninstall it!
Recently, YouTuber Chris Titus shared a video claiming that the Recall feature was forcibly installed in the 11H24 version of Windows 2. Titus’ video quickly raised concerns among many Windows users.
Allegedly, Recall became part of File Explorer on some systems and users were unable to disable it. However, Microsoft responded to these claims and announced that Recall will not be enabled by default on the system and will be left entirely to user preference.
According to Brandon LeBlanc of Microsoft, the first preview of Recall has not yet been released and will only be enabled on demand. There will also be special options for system administrators or users to easily remove Recall.
Due to the complexity of Microsoft’s software development process, partial integration of features between some updates can cause problems in testing. To address these issues, Microsoft is taking steps to make it even easier to uninstall the feature.
Currently, Recall is not a default part of Windows 11, but Microsoft plans to open this new feature to Windows Insiders soon, allowing for further testing.