Netflix is smiling with the series adaptation of One Piece. The adaptation of the manga series ranked first in 84 countries in its debut week.
The new mini computer named Khadas Mind draws attention with its weight of only 450 grams. The pocket-sized computer has a 13th Gen i7.
Tesla Model S Plaid final speed video revealed! Here are the details and the 328-kilometer speed trial video…
The September security update for Android has been released. Google says it fixed 33 vulnerabilities, including one zero-day vulnerability.
Infinity Ward has released the September 6 update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Here are the details about the latest patch.
Update 3 has just kicked out for LEGO 2K Drive. Here are the detailed patch notes showcasing the recent changes.
The update was launched for Phasmophobia. The latest update brings a bunch of bug fixes and improvements. Here are the details.
Google has released the Android 14 Beta 5.3 with several Pixel bug fixes ahead of the stable version, which will launch soon…
Let’s dive deep into the CS: GO September 6 update patch notes. Here are the details about the latest patch.
Blizzard has been rolling out the September 6 update for Diablo 4; players can now check out the official patch notes.