Qualcomm today unveiled three new processors in the Snapdragon G series for portable gaming consoles. Designed just for gaming, the new Snapdragon G series processors will appeal to all game consoles thanks to their different power.
Three new G series processors from Qualcomm!
Qualcomm’s new processors are named Snapdragon G1 Gen1, Snapdragon G2 Gen 1 and Snapdragon G3x Gen 2 respectively. All these processors were developed for portable game consoles. So none of them will be used in a phone. However, we can say that all of them will add power to portable consoles.

If we first look at the Snapdragon G1 Gen 1, we can say that it is the weakest processor among the three new models. It has one Adreno A11 GPU and 8 Kyro CPU cores. Developed mainly for cloud gaming, the Snapdragon G1 Gen 1 is known to have lower battery consumption than its competitors and support for Wi-Fi 5.
When we move to the G2 Gen 1 processor, the middle model of the Snapdragon G series, we are greeted by the Adreno A21 GPU. G2 Gen 1, which also has 8 Kyro cores, is said to be a more ideal processor for mobile games. Offering 144Hz HD display support, this processor also supports Wi-Fi 6.
Snapdragon G3x Gen 2, the top model of the Snapdragon G series, is an updated version of the G3x Gen 1 processor introduced in 2021. G3x Gen 2, which also comes with 8 Kyro CPU cores, has Adreno A32 GPU.
Promising 30% more speed on the CPU side compared to the previous processor model, Snapdragon G3x Gen 2 is said to be twice as fast on the GPU side compared to the previous version. In addition to all these, the G3x Gen 2 processor, which has features such as Snapdragon Sound Technology Suite, 5G, super game resolution, beam processing and Wi-Fi 7, is described as the most powerful processor among the three models.