Google Maps has made headlines with a rather unusual incident. The popular mapping application played a role in uncovering a kidnapping case.
Google Maps directed a car to a discontinued bridge in India. Three people in the vehicle that fell off the bridge died.
Google, which has recently introduced significant innovations to many of its applications, is now bringing a special Maps update for drivers.
Discover the incident that caused a major traffic jam due to a big mistake by Google Maps. Learn what happened.
Google Maps will permanently delete users’ location history by December 1, enhancing privacy and reducing stored personal data.
Google Maps will try to transfer the travel history of the last 90 days to the device you first logged in to, and older data will be deleted.
Google Maps has launched a new Spatial AR feature. It is possible to watch the real world by traveling to the past and the future.
News that will please electric car owners continues to come from Google Maps. Here are the details about the new Google Maps.
The Maps link that appears with Google search results has been removed. The situation arising from EU DMA restrictions has sparked reactions.