Continuing its ambition to become a tougher competitor to WhatsApp, Telegram kicks off 2025 with an impressive update. This new release includes third-party-supported account verification, advanced message search filters, and innovations like transforming gifts into NFTs. Here are the details…
A new era in account verification for Telegram!
Previously, Telegram introduced a program to verify public figures and organizations on the platform. With this update, the process is taken a step further. Now, third-party entities can play a role in account verification. For instance, authorities such as food quality inspectors or educational consortiums can conduct verifications on Telegram.
Accounts verified by third parties will be marked with a new logo next to their names instead of the traditional blue checkmark. Telegram claims this system will help prevent fraud and curb the spread of misinformation.
Users or organizations will undergo an application process to obtain verification, and eligible accounts will receive the verification badge. This system also allows organizations to verify their affiliated accounts, similar to the approach used on X (formerly Twitter).
The update also introduces advanced message search filters, allowing more detailed filtering in private chats, group chats, and channels. Additionally, the ability to react to service messages with emojis has been added. For instance, you can now welcome a new group member with emoji reactions.
What do you think about Telegram’s major update? Will these new features improve the platform’s user experience? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments!