We are examining the changes the Apple logo, which is at the top of the list of technology companies with the highest market value, has undergone over the years. We also share with you the lesser-known legal battle it has fought for this logo.
The transformation of the Apple logo over the years
The transformation of the Apple logo over the years may not surprise you too much. After all, today’s bitten apple is quite similar to its predecessors. However, the first logo, featuring Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree, designed by Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne in 1976, is not well known to many people.

After Newton, we encounter the bitten apple logo for the first time in 1977, just one year later. This logo, which contained rainbow colors, continued to be used until 1998. However, with the introduction of the iMac G3 model by Jobs, it takes on a semi-transparent watercolor hue.

The life of the logo that came with the G3 model is not very long. That same year, Apple begins to use an all-black apple logo. Although this logo was quite popular, a new design suitable for iTunes and iPod, which were introduced in 2001, is adopted.

As you might expect, this new design is updated with the iPhone models, which entered our lives in 2007 and redefined the concept of smartphones. However, later on, Apple decides to switch back to the single-color black logo used between 1998 and 2000, and in 2014, it finally makes a decision, forming the logo we see today.