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Two legendary games are free on Epic Games this week!

Two legendary games are free on Epic Games this week!
Ana sayfa / Technology

Epic Games continues to make certain games free every week. With the latest announcement, the free games for October 19-26 have been announced. Here are the Epic Games free games that made a big impact on social media recently.

The Evil Within and Eternal Threads are now available on Epic Games

Epic Games will be making The Evil Within and Eternal Threads available for free from October 19-26. You can add these two titles to your library until next week. Once added, they will remain permanently on your account.

Last week, the Epic Games Store gave away Blazing Sails and Q.U.B.E. ULTIMATE BUNDLE for free. The platform received positive reviews from players. However, Epic seems to please more with this week’s games.

The Evil Within is a survival horror game from the creator of Resident Evil. Players take on the role of Sebastian Castellanos, a detective investigating a gruesome murder. With limited resources, you’ll explore a world of torture.

This King Kong game is worst of 2023, says players

This King Kong game is worst of 2023, says players

Skull Island: Rise of Kong named the worst game of 2023. The first King Kong remake in 18 years is widely criticized.

The second free game is Eternal Threads, a sci-fi puzzle game. In this title, players play as a “time manipulator” tasked with fixing the disruption in the timeline. The goal is to manage the people in a fire and get them all out alive.

So what do you think about this issue? You can share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.

Yorum Ekleyin