In 2008, Breaking Bad premiered and quickly gained immense popularity, breaking viewership records and securing its place among legendary TV shows. Created by Vince Gilligan and aired on AMC, the series even earned a spot in the Guinness World Records in 2013 as the highest-rated TV show of all time.
The house of Walter White, the character portrayed by Bryan Cranston, remains a fan-favorite location 11 years after the show’s conclusion. However, this iconic house has become a nightmare for its real-life owners, as thousands of fans from around the world continue to flock to the property. Recent developments reveal that the homeowners have made an unexpected decision regarding the house.
Walter White’s Breaking Bad House Is Up for Sale
The house where Walter White lived in Breaking Bad is now up for sale for $4 million. Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, this four-bedroom, one-bathroom, 177-square-meter property has retained its fame since the show ended in 2013. Unfortunately, the constant fan attention has made life unbearable for the real owners.
Joanne Quintana and her family, who have lived in the house since 1973, opened their doors to the Breaking Bad crew in 2006 for the pilot episode. While they enjoyed making memories with the cast and crew during filming, life after the series took a frustrating turn.
Over time, the fan frenzy became intolerable. In an effort to deter visitors, the homeowners built a six-meter-high fence around the property, but even that couldn’t stop determined fans. In 2017, Quintana shared how fans climbed over the fence, took rocks from the yard, and recreated the famous scene where Walter White throws a pizza onto the roof in one take.
The disturbances didn’t stop there. Fans escalated their pranks, including leaving a suspicious package at the door that was mistaken for a bomb.
Faced with mounting responsibilities and relentless fan attention, Joanne Quintana decided to sell the house. Reflecting on the 52 years her family spent there, she expressed her bittersweet sentiments: “It’s time to move on. There’s no point in fighting anymore.”
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