Xiaomi, a prominent player among smartphone manufacturers, has taken an intriguing step. According to recent reports, Xiaomi has banned the installation of the Telegram application on smartphones in China. So, what is the reason behind this? Here are the details!
Telegram fails to pass the security check on Xiaomi phones!
Xiaomi, a significant name in the smartphone market, introduced a new feature to its MIUI interface last year. This feature is designed to protect users from malicious and spam applications. At that time, many experts were wondering whether applications banned in China would undergo censorship.

The news that surfaced on BleepingComputer revealed that Xiaomi has blocked the installation of Telegram on smartphones in China. Telegram, a highly popular messaging platform, fails to pass the security check when attempted to be installed.
As visible from the screenshot, there’s a message indicating that the application couldn’t pass the check. When MIUI identifies Telegram, a warning message appears: “The application couldn’t pass Xiaomi’s security review. This app is potentially harmful and may lead to risks such as fraudulent interruptions or unfair consumption.”
It’s not very likely that Xiaomi’s restriction will directly impact other countries. However, users who have the Chinese version of devices, for whatever reason, will be affected by this situation. Even if the device owner resides outside of China, it won’t change the situation, and Telegram won’t be installable on these phones.
So, what are your thoughts on Xiaomi’s move regarding Telegram? Don’t forget to share your opinions with us in the comments section!