Qualcomm is actively working on the successor to the Snapdragon 8 Elite, a prominent player in the mobile processor market introduced in October. Recent developments reveal the expected launch date and some technical details of the chipset, anticipated to be named Snapdragon 8 Elite 2. Here are the details!
What Will Snapdragon 8 Elite 2 Offer, and When Will It Launch?
Renowned industry leaker Digital Chat Station has shared new details about the upcoming Snapdragon 8 Elite 2 processor. According to the leaks, the chipset will be unveiled in early October, aligning with claims that Qualcomm might move up this year’s Snapdragon Summit event.
The processor is expected to use TSMC’s advanced 3nm production process, N3P technology. This will enhance performance and energy efficiency, similar to Apple’s A19 chips.
The leaks indicate significant GPU upgrades in the Snapdragon 8 Elite 2. Additionally, CPU performance is rumored to see a 20% boost. These improvements, combined with enhancements in existing hardware efficiency and GPU standards, are likely to deliver substantial performance gains.
However, there’s a critical point to note. Although not yet confirmed, the new processor is rumored to be more expensive than its predecessor. This could negatively impact the prices of smartphones powered by the chipset. Nevertheless, Qualcomm is reportedly working to optimize the production process and supply chain to launch the chipset with a more competitive price tag.
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