Recently, the Galaxy Watch FE smartwatch, which has been widely discussed, seems to be undergoing a name change. According to rumors, Samsung’s top-level marketing managers believe that the “FE” suffix gives off a cheap vibe similar to the word “Lite.”
Therefore, in order to break this misconception, the company executives have decided to use the name “Galaxy Watch 4” for the device. This is intended to create a more premium perception among users and achieve better sales success. Here are the key details on the matter…
Is the Galaxy Watch 4 (2024) coming?
Samsung, which has made significant strides in the smartwatch market recently, also produces affordable watches that can appeal to a wide range of users. The Galaxy Watch 4 (2024), which is now in the spotlight with its new name, could also achieve significant success in the field.
The addition of “2024” to the name is due to the company previously releasing a device named Galaxy Watch 4. Even though it shares the same name, significant changes are expected in the new generation product. While the technical specifications of the device are not yet known, some leaks suggest it will feature the Exynos W920 chipset. This processor, designed with 5nm technology, is expected to feature the G68 MP2 graphics interface. The Galaxy Watch 4 (2024) is expected to be more affordable compared to its counterparts.
What do you think about this topic? Do you think the new smartwatch will achieve good sales success? Have you ever used any Samsung-branded electronic products? You can easily share your answers with us in the comments section below. Your opinions are very valuable to us.