Hollywood has placed significant emphasis in recent years on producing films and series based on iconic video game franchises. This week, Lionsgate, the studio behind successful series like Saw, Twilight, and The Hunger Games, announced that it is working on a film adaptation based on the highly acclaimed horror game Outlast. Here are the details…
What to Expect from the Outlast Film
The adaptation of Outlast will be led by renowned horror film producer Roy Lee. Lee claims he will bring the same terrifying authenticity that contributed to the game’s success into the film. The screenplay will be written by JT Petty, who has a deep understanding of the game’s history.
Since its release in 2012, the Outlast series has evolved into a narrative-driven survival horror franchise, starting with the original game, followed by the expansion Outlast: Whistleblower, and the sequel Outlast 2. More recently, The Outlast Trials was released, offering an immersive multiplayer experience for up to four players in 2024.
The psychological horror that defines Outlast is rooted in themes of manipulation and the abuse of power, depicting corrupted institutions exploiting individuals for their nefarious purposes.
The film adaptation of Outlast opens an exciting new chapter for the franchise, expanding its reach from the gaming world to the cinematic realm. For now, details regarding the cast and the film’s release date remain unknown.
What do you think about this adaptation?