According to a new study, Tesla vehicles have an average lifespan of 20.3 years, outpacing diesel and gasoline cars. In particular, the Model Y Juniper is estimated to last at least 20 years. But is this really true? Because electric vehicles have always been claimed to be short-lived until now.
Tesla Model Y Juniper can last 20 years: Tesla vehicles last longer than diesel cars, new study finds
The study says that the perception that electric vehicles were short-lived in the past is no longer valid. Modern electric vehicles now have the same lifespan as internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, and in some cases even surpass them. In particular, it has been revealed that some models of Tesla have seen over 640,000 km of use.

According to the study, the average Tesla can cover 328,000 km, making it one of the longest-lasting vehicles of all car brands. By comparison, Skoda’s diesel cars last an average of 17.4 years, while Audi’s gasoline cars last an average of 20.9 years. However, Tesla’s vehicles are said to have an advantage in terms of lifespan as they can travel much further in that time.
Another noteworthy point in the research is battery replacement costs. According to 2020 data:
- Replacing a 30 kWh battery for the Nissan Leaf costs 4 thousand dollars.
- A 75 kWh battery replacement for the Tesla Model 3 requires a high cost of 10,275 dollars.
- Transmission replacement in internal combustion engine vehicles costs between 1,100 and 3,400 dollars.
For this reason, researchers underline that battery costs need to be made more affordable for electric vehicles to reach their true potential. Reportedly, strengthening the battery recycling ecosystem will be a critical factor in the growth of the used electric vehicle market. In addition, major battery manufacturers such as Tesla, NIO and CATL are planning to offer a 15-year battery warranty to increase battery life and make the EV market more attractive.
Currently, the average battery warranty is 8 years, but with the widespread use of batteries with a 15-year warranty, electric vehicles are expected to be available for longer. But do you think Tesla’s Model Y Juniper and other next-generation electric vehicles can really run for 20 years? Will this longevity really be advantageous if battery replacement costs don’t come down?