An interesting solution has emerged for the WhatsApp Android video message sending error. But which users did this annoying bug affect?
Google has finally released the feature of downloading multiple apps simultaneously for the Play Store, which it has been testing since 2019.
What will be introduced at Google I/O 2024? The calendar published by the company revealed all the innovations.
Google released the Beta 1.2 build just three days after Beta 1.1, which eliminated a major problem with the NFC feature.
According to announcements made, Samsung and Google have collaborated for the introduction of new AI-powered Android and Galaxy devices…
Xiaomi 11 Pro and 11 Ultra models, showcased in 2021, started to receive the stable HyperOS update. Here are the details.
Quarantine Mode will be introduced with Android 15 to strengthen malware protection.
With Android 15, Google is working on a feature that can show storage health on devices.
Google has brought together its Android and AI teams. It seems that the company wants to incorporate AI into its software.
Google wants to introduce an important innovation with Android 15 by adding NFC Wireless Charging support.