Google has introduced many new features with the Android 15 update. So which innovations are there? Here are the details…
The highly anticipated One UI 7.0 beta for Samsung users has finally been released. Here are the first devices to receive the update…
Concrete developments are taking place for Samsung’s One UI 7 update, which has been postponed many times. In which countries will the beta version be released?
Samsung will emphasize design and artificial intelligence with One UI 7. The latest information revealed the company’s AI efforts.
Google is trying to establish a new integration between ChromeOS and Android operating system. Here are the details.
15 malware with trojans hidden inside were detected in the Google Play Store, with more than 8 million downloads.
How many years does Xiaomi support its smartphones? Here are which Xiaomi models that have lost update support?
Bad news came for the highly anticipated One UI 7 beta programme. Samsung may delay the expected update a little more.
How to identify Apps draining Your Android Phone’s battery Power and stop them before they stop you working
Details about Samsung’s upcoming One UI 7 interface appeared for the first time with a video. Here are the leaked images…