The update launched for Terraria. The game was first released for Windows on May 16, 2011, and has since been ported to several other platforms. The game features exploration, crafting, building, painting, and combat with a variety of creatures in a procedurally generated 2D world. Terraria received generally positive reviews and sold over 44 million copies by 2022, making it one of the best-selling video games. Besides, it has a regular update schedule and offers players a better gaming experience.
Terraria Update Patch Notes

- Xbox and PlayStation have been approved and should be in players’ hands in just a little bit (today).
- Switch is still in review at Nintendo.
- Amazon still in review – but good signs that it will make it this week.
- Google Play old “Trial” version (where people bought the full game through the now-deprecated Trial version) is still in process, based on additional requirements given to us from Google – hoping to have that in early December.
- Some regional versions (Korea/Japan/China mainly) could trail behind a bit, as we work with our regional publishers to get this out in those areas.
If you missed the previous update’s patch notes, here are the all details
- Made some optimizations to Mac performance. We are interested in feedback on how successful this is, and if possible, will try to follow up on other areas that also need improvement. For the time being, the most notable examples to test out are on the player creation menu and around mannequins (especially with large numbers of mannequins), but other general performance improvements may be expected. Please let us know if there are any improvements or issues as a result of the optimizations!
- Biome Style buttons on the Camera Mode biome interface now have mouseover text showing what biome they represent
- Right clicking out of search bars in the Bestiary and Research menus will now also exit the search, just like Left Clicking previously did
- Lava Charm and Molten Charm now have vanity accessory visuals
- War Table Banners and Hanging Pots/Hanging Brazier can now be hung from platforms in both the up and down hammered position
- Adding flavor text to Bone Pickaxe
- Added a loading tip and Guide help text indicating the ability to assign/unassign NPC housing
- Reducing the duration that loading tips are present on screen during worldgen/load before scrolling to the next
- Gold Worms, when thrown into Shimmer in critter form, also turn into Gummy Worms, instead of Faelings, the same as if they were thrown in as an item
- Dropping a Sparkle Slime Balloon into Shimmer in item form will now also spawn Diva Slime, instead of it only working when you throw it as a projectile
- Pressure Plate Minecart Tracks are now shown with Dangersense Potion
- Hallowed and Ancient Hallowed Armor no longer transmute into each other in Shimmer. Instead, they decraft into Hallowed Bars
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that allows lava kills on Blue Slimes to count as valid for spawning King Slime in Remix/Everything seed. They will still count as valid, however, if the player hurts them first.
- Fixed Steam deck users being unable to use smart cursor when using precise aim methods (trackpad, attached mouse)
- Fixed a Dungeon issue where closet and hallways might sometimes cut-off the entrance from above it, resulting in being unable to progress. This should result in, at minumum, less examples of inaccessible Dungeons.
- Fixed a rare issue where the Temple door can rarely generate in a position that is entirely inaccessible from the entrance
- Fixed an issue causing Boulder Traps to generate over chests
- Fixed Royal Gel not working on Golden Slime
- Fixed an issue where Mannequins and Hatracks even remotely near the player would remove your bonus tile placement range from Accessories
- Fixed an issue where Snail-type critters ignored Shimmer entirely with the latest Terraria update.
- Re-fixed a change that prevented anti-gravity shifting from kicking you off of mounts when pressing Up
- Fixed Flask particles not appearing on whips
- Fixed an issue where Deadly Spheres could be put into tightly enclosed spaces to dramatically increase their DPS
- Partially fixed an issue preventing the Grappling Hook hotkey when using Grand Design/Portal Gun, but only when using a mouse for now
- Fixed an issue where Piranha Gun would sometimes recall all of the Piranhas if even one of them missed
- Fixed a number of minor issues with sprites such as the Hardcore Ghost, Chaos Elemental’s Glowmask, Research Menu UI Slot, Iron Fence, and Shimmered+Transformed Zoologist
- Fixed some sprite issues that resulted in a number of Food item sprites being partially cut-off. While doing so, also made some fixes to a few Food items showing up on plates incorrectly
- Fixed Skyware Toilet’s item not using the updated color scheme shown in the furniture tile
- Fixed a single 1-block layer in the underworld of the Remix/Everything seed that spawned the wrong enemies
- Fixed an issue where Town NPCs would rapidly teleport back and forth between housing locations
- Fixed Cascade dropping from some unintended enemies (like Old One’s Army)
- Fixed Phasesabers and Orange Phaseblade not glowing like the other Phaseblades
- Fixed newer ambient critter sounds not scaling with the Ambient volume setting like other critters
- Fixed an issue where dispelling or overriding Abigail would delete any projectiles “owned” by the player, including other summon and their buffs
- Fixed the Skeleton Merchant showing up in the bestiary with out of date sprites.
- Fixed an issue with the player’s arm rotating the wrong way when in reverse gravity and swinging Shortswords or Starlight
- Fixed a multiplayer issue where Drill Mount’s mining beams were not visible to other players when mining walls
- Fixed Sofas having a mouseover text that said “Benches”. Chippy’s Couch is also now properly labeled a Couch. This might end up in a Youtube video.
- Fixed an issue with Slimer’s drops in the bestiary being listed unusually/duplicated
- Fixing grammatical issue with mana cost tooltips
- Fixed newest three workbenches not unlocking the Benched achievement
- Fixed Halloween Skeletons not counting towards Skeleton kills
- Fixed an issue with Sky Dragon’s Fury and Ghastly Glaive relating to Shimmer and some odd projectile behavior
- Fixed an issue where Chlorophyte Armor’s set bonus fire cooldown time was inadvertently reset when swapping between armor
- Fixed an issue where Fireblossom seeds wouldn’t work properly with Smart Cursor with Ash Grass
- Fixed an issue where dead players would not show their vanity equipment on the player select menu
- Fixed an issue where Holy Protection would persist on the player after removing Hallowed Armor
- Fixed an issue where Fertilizer didn’t work in the Underworld in Remix/Everything seeds
- Fixed a crash issue that could happen when editing a sign and quitting out of the game
- Fixed Wave 20 Pumpkin Moon’s announcement text not including Headless Horsemen
- Fixed an issue where Gamepad placement range did not account for Builder Potion’s bonus
- Fixed the cancel button when renaming chests overlapping with other UI buttons
- Fixed rope coils not extending rope when the rope in question intersected platforms/rails
- Fixed Red Pigrons dropping more money than other Pigrons for no apparent reason
- Fixed an issue where fishing very deep ponds would sometimes not allow fishing up anything at all
- Fixed an issue where Gamepad/Steamdeck controls would auto-craft an item when accessing the Guide or Tinkerer’s special menus
- Fixed Truffle not being able to be assigned to underground mushroom biomes in Multiplayer
- Fixed the /alldeath commands giving an incorrect output when the player only had one death
- Fixed an issue where Ocean Pylons wouldn’t work in some Ocean-areas in Remix/Everything seed
- Fixed an issue where Meowmere Minecart’s trail behaved oddly with certain armor
- Fixed an issue where Grass Seeds were not properly supported by Smart Cursor and so behaved oddly
- Fixed an issue where Empress of Light could hit players during her invulnerable phase transitions
- Fixed Gemcorns not growing or being Smart Cursor placeable when near tall moss
- Fixed an inconsistency with music boxes and prefixes
- Fixed monoliths being able to have prefixes, due to being able to stack
- Fixed Dirt Bombs not replacing tiles such as tall grass
- Fixed Life Drain’s projectile being named Soul Drain
- Fixed the Like A Boss achievement not working on some newer boss summoner items
- Fixed the Real Estate Agent achievement not requiring Tavernkeep
- Fixed an issue leading to town NPCs bouncing back and forth between different locations
- Fixed an issue with Shimmer status after using a Wormhole Potion to teleport
- Swords with Range Boosting Auras (Excalibur, Horseman’s Blade, etc)
- Swords with boosted range auras that hit enemies behind the player will now knock enemies away, rather than into the player