Television series provide a platform for viewers to connect with characters, and it’s undeniable that people often identify with or form strong opinions about certain characters. For instance, some may admire Walter White, while others may feel a sense of admiration for Jesse Pinkman. This is a highly individual experience, and preferences can vary.
The most hated TV series characters of all time
In addition to characters people love, there are also those that viewers strongly dislike. The results of a survey conducted by Ranker, with input from nearly 30,000 viewers, shed light on some of the most hated characters in television history.
The top spot on the list of all-time most hated TV characters didn’t come as a surprise to many. Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones, who often evoked thoughts like “if only I could get my hands on him,” claimed the title of the most hated TV character of all time.
The second spot went to another Game of Thrones character, Ramsey Bolton. Similarly, Bolton, with his cruel and ruthless actions that infuriated Game of Thrones fans, secured a place among the most despised characters.
Overall, the list is dominated by characters known for their villainous deeds or those who failed to endear themselves to the audience. In short, it’s not very surprising. However, there’s one name on the list that stands out—Caillou, the main character from the popular Canadian animated series of our childhood. It seems that this animated character did not leave a positive impression on viewers, as Caillou ranks ninth in the all-time most hated TV characters list.
Note: Since the survey is ongoing, the names listed may change. For the complete list, you can visit the survey page [here](link to the Ranker survey page).