Bohemia Interactive has kicked out the update 5 for DayZ. The multiplayer-only survival game is the standalone successor of the mod of the same name for ARMA 2. Furthermore, it offers a better gaming experience with regular patches. A new version has arrived today, bringing several bug fixes, improvements, and adjustments. Let’s take a deep dive into DayZ 1.21 Update 3 patch notes.
DayZ 1.21 Update 3 Patch Notes

Console 1.21 Update 3 – Version 1.21.156243 (Released on 06.06.2023)
- In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q. or DayZ F.A.Q.
- You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.
- When respawning from unconscious state, the player could get stuck at the respawn position (
- In the French localization of the logout timer, minutes and seconds were swapped
- The player camera would be misplaced after swimming (,
- The loaded state of the crossbow was not properly reflected when carried on the player’s back (
- Other players could hear characters groan in pain after falling, even if this sound wasn’t played for that player (
- Bolts stuck in infected and animals could not be taken into hands directly (
- Switching items right after cutting down a tree could result in desynchronization (
- Ammunition piles outside of the player’s network bubble could desynchronize (,,
- Items inside waterproof gear could get wet (
- Vehicle parts on truck wrecks were spawning badly rotated
- Items spawn points were misaligned in various buildings
- Reduced the volume of the thirst indication sounds
- Fixed: Vehicle parts on truck wrecks were spawning badly rotated
- Fixed: Items spawn points were misaligned in various buildings
- Fixed: Wood & rock mining deleted objects spawned by Object Spawner
- Fixed: Loot spawned through the Object Spawner did not despawn if moved (
- Fixed: Items spawned by the Object Spawner had incorrect positions (,
- Fixed: Admin kill logs did not include hitzone and caliber information (,
- Admin logs are not writing deaths by AI correctly
DayZ is available on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.