Sometimes, we listen to some random music and lyrics. At that moment, we try to find the song to learn its name or to add it to our playlists. If we cannot see the name of the song, it can even get us crazy. However, you shouldn’t worry about that issue anymore. Thanks to the developing technology, some tech companies created applications to find out what song is playing near you. If you wonder “Who sings this song?“, here are the ways to find an answer to this question.
How to find who sings this song
Music is everything to some people, and it means a lot to them. While there are a few very well-known applications like Shazam, and Snapchat to find out who sings this song, there are other applications to find out what song is playing near you. You can identify the song around you by using these applications on your phone.

Shazam is the first application to find out the songs playing around you. While the application launched in 2002, it can also recognize films, advertisements, and TV shows by using your phone’s microphone. You can find the song by just tapping the Shazam button on the mobile application and letting it recognize the music around you. According to the sources, Shazam is the fastest application to identify the songs playing near you. Additionally, the platform gives you links to play music.

If you use Snapchat, you may already know this feature to find out the song playing near you. This feature is available for a long time, but most users don’t know how to use it because the platform keeps it hidden under the settings. If you would like to use Snapchat to learn who sings this song, you need to open the app on your mobile phone. Then tap the Snap screen, and click the scan button on the left bottom. You can also keep pressing the screen to open the scan feature. The application will automatically scan the scene and find the song playing near you. You will see a Shazam popup that gives the song name because Snapchat uses the Shazam API in this feature.

Google Assistant
Google is one of the tech giants that offer a lot of features with its AI systems. With the launch of Pixel 3, the company released a song recognition algorithm to find out what song is playing near you. If you have an Android device, you can use this feature through Google Assistant. Thanks to the Assistant, you can find the songs by using your phone’s microphone. To learn the song name, you have to ask Google Assistant “Identify this song,” or “What is this song,” or something related to these commands. When the system finds the song, it will allow you to play the song by directing you to the link.

Siri is another Assistant that can do a lot of things for you. If you are an iPhone user, you can use Siri to find out who sings this song. Apple released this feature in iOS 8, and Siri is based on Shazam API. That’s why you don’t need to download the Shazam app or use other applications to recognize the songs. You can learn the playing song by asking Siri “What song is playing,” or a related question. Siri will take a moment to find out the song, and it will give you the results. In addition, the assistant will show a card to purchase the song on Apple Music. Siri is working well for this purpose, so you can use it instead of other applications, and it will be easier if you have iPhone.