Meta has finally unveiled Threads, designed to compete with text-based platforms such as Twitter. It allows users to post links, photos and videos for up to 5 minutes and share posts of up to 500 characters. Threads, which can be used with existing Instagram accounts, is now available for Android and iOS. How to download Threads for Android, how to use it in Turkey?
Is Threads available for Android?
Unlike Instagram’s photo and video theme, Threads provides a text-based social media experience. With support for customisable profiles, users will be able to switch to the new platform while maintaining their Instagram accounts and followers.
Launching on 6 July, Threads is compatible with iOS and Android devices and can be downloaded for free from the App Store and Google Play Store. To join Threads, you can use your Instagram account information and transfer your account directly. After logging in, Threads will automatically follow the accounts you follow on Instagram.
To use Threads on Android, follow these steps:
- Step 1: Go to the Google Play Store app using this link.
- Step 2: Download the application to your smartphone or tablet for free.
- Step 3: Click the “Sign in with Instagram” button on the opening screen of the application. We remind you that the application requires an Instagram account for now.
- Step 4: Enter your account information after the Instagram link.
Best features of Threads
The platform will allow users to share short posts containing text, links, photos and videos. These posts, which can be up to 500 characters long, can be linked together as ‘threads’. It will also be possible to add photos and videos of up to 5 minutes.
Privacy seems to be very important for the new platform. When creating a post, users will be able to choose whether the post will be visible to their followers or open to all users. It will also be possible to hide the account, similar to Instagram.