The action-adventure game series exclusively for the PlayStation platform, The Last of Us, centered around a zombie invasion, is back in the headlines with recent news. Neil Druckmann, one of the producers of the game, announced that they are working on the 3rd installment of the series.
The release date of the game is still uncertain
However, in Druckmann’s interview, it was noticeable that he avoided giving a definite release date for The Last of Us 3. According to the initial leaks, we will have to wait for years to play the game. The exact 7-year gap between the release dates of the first and second games confirms these concerns.
Meanwhile, the HBO series titled The Last of Us, which started airing again last year, continues to break rating records. While the filming of the 2nd season has started, the series is portrayed by beloved actors Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey. Moreover, the series has been nominated for several awards in different categories.
What is The Last of Us about?
The game revolves around the thrilling adventure of Joel and Ellie, among the few survivors of a zombie outbreak that engulfed the entire world. The series, focusing on the development of the relationship between these two characters, holds a unique place among PlayStation-exclusive games with its gameplay and story.
The rumors about The Last of Us 3 have been welcomed by many gamers. While the exact release date of the game is not known, it seems that it will continue to come to light with new updates.