One of the popular messaging applications, Telegram, keeps updating itself to be a competitor in the market. However, Apple was delaying Telegram’s new update for two weeks without an explanation, according to Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. Apple approved the App Store update after Pavel’s announcements, but one missing feature. Here are the details.
Apple asked to remove Telemoji
Telegram released a new update on Friday for iOS devices. The update was waiting to be removed because of Apple’s app review. The company didn’t approve it without an explanation for two weeks. Although Apple approved the latest update, there is one missing feature because Apple specifically requested its removal, Durov said.

Durov explained the update and missing feature, “After extensive media coverage of my previous post, Apple got back to us with a demand to water down our pending Telegram update by removing Telemoji — higher quality vector-animated versions of standard emoji.”
On Friday, he also wrote on his Telegram channel, “This is a puzzling move on Apple’s behalf because Telemoji would have brought an entirely new dimension to its static low-resolution emoji and significantly enriched their ecosystem.” We can see that Apple asked to remove animated emojis. However, Apple approved the update with some animated emojis. Telegram will release the next update with more animated emojis.

Telegram launched new features with the update for iOS, especially for the Premium subscribers. Users can now restrict voice messages and gift someone with a Telegram Premium. However, all users waited for the new emoji panel, which has animated emojis. Apple didn’t approve this feature because the company said there was one heavily inspired by the original iOS emoji but with animations created by Telegram.
You can subscribe to Telegram Premium by paying $4.99 per month. When you subscribe to it, you will be able to upload and use custom emojis in chats with friends. Also, Telegram lets you use 10 custom packs with more than 500 emojis to start.