The X platform has been in the spotlight recently with the new update it introduced regarding text length. According to this, we will now be able to share quite long articles. It is said that these articles will have a limit of exactly 100,000 characters and 15,000 words, and it is expected that these will significantly increase the time users spend on the platform. However, it has been decided that only Premium Plus members will benefit from this feature. Thus, the aim is to increase demand for this membership level. Here are all the details…
X makes a new decision about text length
Thanks to the new feature, a variety of text editing options also become active. Among these options are useful features such as adding images and creating lists. It is thought that this function, which is useful especially for those who produce detailed content such as journalists and scientists, will also be an important example for other social media applications. If this innovation receives the expected attention, it could reshuffle the cards in the technology sector.
The company had already begun efforts to increase the word limit in posts before being acquired by Elon Musk. Initially doubling this limit, X then accelerated its efforts on this issue following an announcement made by Musk on the subject last summer.
The platform, which gained popularity with short text formats, has divided users by also making room for long texts. While some think this decision is quite accurate, others argue that it will divert the platform from its primary purpose.
What do you think about this issue? Do you think X’s strategy is correct? You can easily share your answers with us in the comments section below. Your opinions are very valuable to us.