One of the situations we do not want to happen to us, especially in the summer months, is the overheating of the electronic devices we use. Electronic devices with chips such as computers and phones must cool the excess heat after a certain temperature. Otherwise, the devices will not work properly. There are some things you can do to prevent your devices from overheating.
Cooling pad or laptop stand
The cooling pad may come in handy if you use your computers for a long time in a hot environment. Cooling pads can contain extra fans and heat sinks to prevent your computer from overheating. However, a laptop stand will also help you. You can increase the air circulation by placing your laptop on a slightly higher platform.

Do not allow vents to be blocked
One of the biggest reasons computers and game consoles often overheat is because the vents are blocked. Make sure that these ventilation gaps of your devices are clean. In dust accumulation, the device will be more susceptible to overheating. At the same time, make sure that you do not block the ventilation holes in any way. When these holes are closed, the airflow expected to cool the device will decrease.
Take a break
Take a break if you use your device for a long time in a hot environment. The best way to rest the overheated machine is to turn it off completely and wait a bit. If you can not do this, you can wait a while after closing all applications before using them. Doing these will allow the device to cool down before using it again.

Keep away from sunlight and hot environments
If the environment in which the device is in is very hot, try not to use your device as much as possible. Your heated device cannot provide the necessary cooling in a very hot environment and become overheated. Avoiding direct sunlight will also contribute to the longevity of your device. A device exposed to excessive sunlight, even turned off, can be pretty dangerous for your device.