CS2 is a multiplayer tactical first-person shooter developed by Valve and Hidden Path Entertainment. It is the fifth game in the Counter-Strike series. Valve regularly updates the game with smaller balancing patches and larger content additions. Valve has just rolled out a new update for CS2, which focuses on minor things that increase the gameplay. Check out the CS2 October 31 update patch notes below.
CS2 October 31 Update Patch Notes

[ MISC ]
- Increased jump tolerance for sliding along a surface to fix certain jumps like in the corner outside in cs_office.
- Fixed a crash in page file usage when Vulkan initialization fails and the game falls back to DX11.
If you missed the game’s previous update, check below.
[ MAPS ]
- Fixed a bad collision interaction between grenades and a prop.
- Fixed a wall bang exploit.
- Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes).
- Added localization strings for location callouts.
[ MISC ]
- Fixed mouselook inconsistencies when game render dimensions are different from game window dimensions.
- Fixed erroneous target aim punch animation during client-side shooting.
- Fixed erroneous Zeus shock effect during client-side shooting.
- Fixed a bug where Zeus headshots wouldn’t emit the death yelp.
[ UI ]
- Prior Major results are now available in the Majors tab in the Watch menu.