LoL Patch 14.11 for League of Legends players brings significant updates to the ADC class, including nerfs to Infinity Edge and Caitlyn, as well as buffs to Draven and Immortal Shieldbow. With the Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) concluded, Riot Games is now focusing on refining the game following the substantial changes introduced in patch 14.10.
LoL patch 14.11 patch notes: Key timings and server updates

League of Legends Patch 14.11 is scheduled to go live on May 29, 2024. The rollout will commence with the Oceanic servers, followed by other servers throughout the day. Here are the key timings for patch deployment:
- NA: 3 AM PT
- Korea: 8 AM KST
There will be a few hours of downtime during the patch application, with matchmaking queues being taken offline approximately three hours before the process begins.
Major changes in LoL patch notes 14.11
ADC changes
The ADC items underwent a major overhaul in patch 14.10, reverting to a critical strike system that now requires only four items to achieve maximum critical strike. This change made certain crit-based ADCs exceedingly powerful, necessitating further adjustments. In patch 14.11, Riot is addressing this by nerfing Infinity Edge to prevent Caitlyn from dealing excessive damage with her headshots.
Balance changes
In addition to the ADC item adjustments, patch 14.11 continues to refine balance across various champions and game systems. Significant buffs and nerfs have been implemented to ensure a more balanced gameplay experience.
Champion adjustments
- Attack speed ratio: Increased from 0.568 to 0.594
- W: Yordle Snap Trap: Headshot bonus AD ratio reduced from 40-80% to 40% flat
- R: Ace in the Hole: Bonus AD ratio reduced from 170% to 150%
- Q: Precision Protocol: Movement speed decreased from 30-50% to 25-45%
- R: Hextech Ultimatum: On-hit base damage reduced from 20-40 to 5-15
- Q: Phosphorus Bomb: Damage increased from 70-230 to 70-250
- E: Gatling Gun: Bonus AD ratio increased from 200% to 250%
- R: Missile Barrage: Bonus AD ratio increased from 70% to 80%
- Passive: League of Draven: Adoration lost on death reduced from 75% to 50%; base gold per kill increased from 10 to 25
- Base health: Increased from 600 to 630
- Armor growth: Increased from 4.2 to 4.7
Other LoL champion changes include buffs to Gnar, Kha’Zix, Lulu, Master Yi, Mordekaiser, Nami, Nasus, Ornn, Pantheon, Singed, and Smolder. Additionally, adjustments have been made to Hwei, Irelia, Jinx, Karthus, K’Sante, and Samira to balance their abilities and stats.
Item changes
Immortal Shieldbow
- Shield increased from 320-530 (level 1-18) to 320-720 (level 9-18)
Infinity Edge
- Bonus critical strike damage reduced from 50% to 40%
Essence Reaver
- Cost decreased from 3200 to 3100
The Collector
- Lethality reduced from 15 to 12
Statikk Shiv
- Hearthbound Axe replaced by Rectrix; cost, AD, attack speed, movement speed, and minion damage adjusted.
System changes
Turret Plating
- Fortification damage reduction increased from 50% to 75%
- First turret gold increased from 150 to 300
LoL patch notes: Summary of key adjustments
- ADC items: Infinity Edge nerf, Immortal Shieldbow buff
- Champion nerfs: Caitlyn, Camille, Hwei, Irelia, Jinx, Karthus, K’Sante, Samira
- Champion buffs: Corki, Draven, Gangplank, Gnar, Kha’Zix, Lulu, Master Yi, Mordekaiser, Nami, Nasus, Ornn, Pantheon, Singed, Smolder
- Item changes: Essence Reaver, The Collector, Statikk Shiv
- System changes: Turret plating adjustments
As patch 14.11 goes live, players can look forward to a more balanced and engaging gameplay experience. The changes to ADC items and specific champion adjustments are expected to enhance the overall competitive environment in League of Legends.